Minor Gameplay Update 0.1.6

Gameplay Updates:

Auto Rev Added to RedMoonEvil and Various BG Test Bosses
Reduced True RME Hit Pool
Halved Teleport Mana cost
GameShop_Guard renamed to Premium_Guard
GuardRental Scroll logic improved
PremiumGuard visuals switched to KatanaGuard
50% reduction in Luna 1st Spawns
Grandads Quest can no longer be completed at MW Butcher
LotteryTicket Fixed
Removed a number of erroneously added Quests in GI (can still start them elsewhere)
Fixed AOC Secret Room Door
HolyDeva HP Adjusted
Added +Luck/MagicResistance/PoisonResistance drops to Tiger and Lantern Necklaces
Added Route to Currish
Introduced BrownEvilSnake to SerpentValley

Minor Gameplay Update 0.1.5

Gameplay Updates:

Upgraded RedMoonSword Rarity from None to Rare (Can now be awakened)
Upgraded SolidGreatAxe Rarity from None to Rare (Can now be awakened)
Upgraded SolidSerpentSword Rarity from None to Rare (Can now be awakened)
Upgraded SolidTwinBlades Rarity from None to Rare (Can now be awakened)
Upgraded SolidSilverBow Rarity from None to Rare (Can now be awakened)
Implemented proper Bridle usage across the game
VenomWeaver Added to Luna 1st
2 Space attack added to CrackingWeaver
2 Space attack added to VenomWeaver

Minor Gameplay Update 0.1.4

Gameplay Updates:

Re-added and re-mastered Ancient Oma Cave Quests
Re-added and re-mastered Ancient Oma Cave Dungeon
Reconfigured routes for all perimeter archers in BW
Added AOC to Premium Dungeon quick pass routes
Yimoogi Buffed
Further tweaks to Lunar stats
WiseFisherman_Albert moved to PI
Removed unnecessary _ character in all Ancient monsters
Fixed all drop files for Ancient monsters following name change
Added Shop Teleports to BorderVillage Board
Further refinement to no fight and no drop across the game, should now be complete
Tweaked AOC Quest NPCs further
Prepared maps for AWT
Prepared AWT NPCs
Prepared AWT Quest
Rebuilt AWT Spawns
Added BattleGrounds NPC pending Dungeon Completion