Artificial Mir II Open BETA Test

Open BETA Testing is finally upon us. Commencing 13/01/2020, everyone will be able to get involved and test the in-development files. We will update the download links on the website as soon as the server is open on 13/01. (

We are still working on many aspects of the files even now, and will continue to work towards our release milestone during Open BETA. This will take time, and our test duration will be extended to accommodate for this. This is the first time we will be opening the Phoenix 2.0 files up for anyone to test and get involved in our development process.

Current plans are for BETA to last anything from 8 weeks to 24 weeks depending on how many issues we face and how fast we can implement the currently missing and/or broken features. At the end of the extended BETA test, there will be 1 final wipe before full launch/release.

Phoenix and Dragon Server Announcement & Gameplay Update 0.1.12

I have a big announcement to make regarding these files….

After much deliberation and consideration, we’ve decided on a new development plan. Hopefully, one which can actually deliver on a lot of promises we’ve been struggling to keep regarding the current character database. Everyone who has been following this project is likely to be aware these files are in a pretty advanced state of development already, and one of the most frequent and fair questions I’m asked is when will the server be coming out of testing.

We’ve come to the decision that this database will never come out of testing and will instead be preserved indefinitely as our public test server (Artificial Phoenix) throughout development. Currently, I want to take pressure off my developer and allow him to complete his work at his leisure, this means the big Version 2 (the full game I envisioned launching back in 2017) will probably not be coming until late 2018/2019 and will be launched as our Primary Dragon server. Everyone on the current database has shown excitement to play Dragon, and it is still entirely planned to be our A-side server.

So why keep Phoenix? Essentially we need a test server, somewhere we can prototype and is less stable but with proper meaningful data and characters. This means new and exclusive releases as we release Dragon will be first tested on the old server.

For me, this is the ideal solution as I don’t consider this database to be in any kind of dirty state, and I am really struggling to justify the removal of it long term. This message will be followed by a formal announcement and we will be moving our thread into the Live Server Advertisements this week.

Obviously, we’re aware this database is unclean, in that there have been numerous and ongoing persistent bugs through development, we’re not in a position to address this yet – but for anyone who wants a fun server to join, there is no longer a looming threat of wipe on this existing files and the squeaky clean server will be launched later in 2018/2019. I already run a test server myself, those resources will be reassigned to this server when we release Dragon which will include multi-server support.

I have coined this, the 2 server solution. It’s happening, stay tuned.

Game Updates:

Minor fixes to Guard positions and routes in BichonWall
Sabuk Conquest War Added (Unpolished)
TravellingMerchant_Damian no longer visits Bichon Wall
TravellingMerchant_Fred added exclusively to Bichon (9:30am-12:30pm and 9:30pm-12:30am)
Assigned AI to WitchDoctor
Assigned AI to HellSlasher
Assigned AI to HellPirate
Assigned AI to HellCannibal
Assigned AI to HellKeeper
Added Statue NPC to ViperMaze Floor 1-4
Added Correct Logic to SkullPile NPC (Now Randomly Teleports with [1/2] chance to same location on floors 1 and 2 of ViperMaze)
Added OldMan NPC outside SabukWall (with information regarding contesting guild and war times)
Reworked HellCave monster stats
CrystalArmour(M) and (F) now available for Sins and Archers
Rebuilt HellCave spawns
Added HellCave OverPass NPCs
Reduction in the drop of Luck Added Necklaces
Various new NPCs
Fixed Bait Prices
New Lite Client Available on Downloads Page (0.1.11)

Minor Gameplay Update 0.1.10

Game Updates:

Various Stablility and Security Fixes (No more nano-lag on high-end setups)
Prepared Maps for AST
Adjusted Spawns and Drops for AST
Created AST Quest
AST Open (Unpolished)
Premium_Elijah updated
Added MediumArmour back into the game (Also now Common rarity)
AncientBlackMaggot level adjusted
AncientBlackMaggot can now Tame
Dung no longer Tameable
Added additional MapMove events to WasteLands from Bichon (Fix)
Performance Optimizations regarding Threading
Added HeroicStatues
Added GoldKey Mechanics
PreparedMaps for: LowLevelCave / SlaveCave
Fixed NewbieGuild still applying 25% buff still at login during early open test phase
Updated MirGuide NPC Script to the new version across the game
Changed MirGuide cosmetics in SerpentValley to match others
LowLevelCave Rebuilt
MirKing added to game
Slave added to game
SlaveCave Rebuilt
LowLevelCave/MidLevelCave NPCs added to game
MidLevelCave Rebuilt
LowLevelCave/MidLevelCave Open